

March 5 - Energy Efficiency Day


The transformation of the energy matrix towards renewable and sustainable energy sources is essential to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and mitigate climate change.

March 5 - Energy Efficiency Day

The transformation of the energy matrix towards renewable and sustainable energy sources is crucial to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and mitigate climate change. We celebrate Energy Efficiency Day every March 5th, seeking to raise awareness about the importance of optimizing the use of energy resources and reducing our environmental impact. It is a date that invites us to reflect on the way we use energy and to act accordingly. The implementation of energy efficiency measures in both hydrocarbon extraction and renewable energies can help improve project profitability, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and accelerate the transition to a more sustainable energy matrix.

Priority on the humanity agenda

After the First International Conference on Energy Efficiency in Austria in 1998, more than 350 experts and leaders from 50 countries established this date as a way to give visibility to this issue. Since then, the topic has become highly relevant worldwide, and today there are numerous initiatives, policies, and programs aimed at promoting energy efficiency in all sectors: from industry to households, with the aim of achieving a more sustainable and resilient future.

Energy efficiency is a fundamental topic nowadays. The search for solutions to curb global warming and its effects on climate change has become a priority for humanity, and in this sense, working on energy efficiency is key to moving towards a more sustainable society.

Process optimization in the energy sector

The use of advanced control technologies, such as the implementation of artificial intelligence in real-time monitoring and surveying, can reduce operating costs and improve efficiency in the extraction and production of energy.

At Uali, we reduce the time it takes to detect asset breakdowns, losses, and spills in the energy industry, which can result in economic and environmental damage. This is achieved by streamlining the delivery of accurate information about the occurrence of events.

In the case of renewable energies, energy efficiency is a key factor in the competitiveness of these technologies. Additionally, it can also be improved through the use of energy storage technologies, allowing for the use of renewable energy even when there is no sun or wind.

Process optimization can lead to a significant reduction in energy consumption and, therefore, greenhouse gas emissions. Energy efficiency is essential both for reducing environmental impact and for reducing costs and improving the competitiveness of companies. In the energy transition, energy efficiency is a key element to improving processes and maximizing resource utilization.

We join the energy evolution by combining robotics, IoT, and AI with the aim of providing valuable and actionable information that optimizes decision-making processes in asset management. Saving time, costs, and having positive impact on the environment. Get to know us!

Florencia García Creus

Head of sustainability and certifications

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